Whether you love them or not, you have to admit that these logical, pointy-eared aliens (along with their famous “Live Long and Prosper” Vulcan salutation) have become a bit of a pop-culture mainstay. From the original series to the reboot movies to Star Trek: Discovery, we take a look back at some of our favorite Vulcans we’ve met over the course of Star Trek’s 50-year history. Although, full disclosure: like, half of these are just different versions of Spock.
SPOCK: The original Vulcan. Is actually half-human and is sentimental AF. Prone to subtle snark. Played by the late, great Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy).
From: Star Trek (the original series).
T’PRING: Was engaged to Spock, but just wasn’t into it (can’t relate). Forced him to fight for his best friend, Captain Kirk, in a battle to the “death.” Her motives were flawed, but the fight scene in “Pon Farr” is actually the best thing Star Trek’s ever done (don’t @ us) so…thanks.
From: Star Trek (the original series).
SAREK: Ambassador Sarek was estranged from his half-human son due to his frustration that Spock chose to leave Vulcan and join Starfleet. Once mind-melded with Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
From: Star Trek (the original series) and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
T’PEL: Was actually a Romulan spy that had been deep undercover as a high-ranking Vulcan Ambassador for decades. She then staged her own “death” via transporter accident to return to the Romulan Empire with all the Federation’s juicy secrets.
From: Star Trek: The Next Generation.
TUVOK: Was stuck on a ship lost in the Delta Quadrant. Once became a fusion with the ship’s chef. Like you do. Played by Tim Russ (@timruss2).
From: Star Trek: Voyager.
T’POL: Was the first Vulcan to serve aboard a human ship for any substantial period. Thought humans smelled bad (she’s not wrong). Played by Jolene Blalock (@JoleneBlalock).
From: Enterprise.
REBOOT!SPOCK: Lost his planet, and his mom in the process. DO NOT bring up his half-human heritage in a negative way if you do not want your ass kicked. In a romantic relationship with Lt. Uhura. Played by @ZacharyQuinto.
From: The Star Trek reboot movies (2010 – present).
REBOOT!SPOCK: Once told Spock he married his human mother because it was “logical,” but later admitted it was simply because he loved her. Aw.
From: The Star Trek reboot movies (2010 – present).
DISCO!SAREK: To save her life, he shared part of his soul with his adopted human daughter. Now he likes to use it to space!FaceTime with her. Played by @britfrain.
From: Star Trek: Discovery.
DISCO!SPOCK: Has a human adopted sister prone to starting wars. Currently serves on the USS Enterprise with Captain Pike (Kirk’s predecessor). We haven’t met him yet, so we don’t know where he falls on the snark!meter. He’ll be played by Ethan Peck (@ethangpeck).
From: Star Trek: Discovery.
Most Star Trek series discussed here are available for streaming on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and CBS All Access. New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery will return with Season 2 on CBS All Access in 2019.