The first season of Roswell, New Mexico was full of moments that made us laugh, cry, and even pick our jaws up from the floor. Whether you are a loyal fan of the original Roswell or a newbie to this wonderful and mysterious town, Roswell, New Mexico has done a fantastic job of telling stories that touch our hearts. Thankfully, The CW renewed Roswell, New Mexico for Season 2 so we won’t be kept in the dark long about Max’s fate, Rosa’s resurrection, and that Michael/Alex/Maria love triangle for too long. While we wait for the show’s return, we’ve decided to do a little rewatch to help pass the time, and made a list of some of our favorite quotes and memorable moments from Season 1.
“Pilot” (1×01)
Liz Ortecho: “Roswell is just a small town, full of small tragedies and small people.”

Jeanine Mason as Liz Ortecho in 1×01. (The CW)
This is the voiceover that started it all. It is through Liz Ortecho’s voice that we learn about the town of Roswell, New Mexico and about Liz Ortecho’s views on her hometown and her life in it. Since this quote starts the series, it is interesting to reflect on after watching the entire season. Clearly, Roswell is more than just a small town with small tragedies and small people. It seems that Liz’s thoughts on that changed as well.
Liz Ortecho: “I don’t dance in this town anymore, Kyle.”
Liz Ortecho: “This is my song. The song that makes me feel better when nothing else can.”
“So Much for the Afterglow” (1×02)
Alex Manes: “I spent the night with some old friends. They made me think about – I don’t know – who I was when this started; before I went to war.”
Michael Guerin: “Where I stand, nothing’s changed.”
Alex Manes: “Yeah, it’s clear in the way you look at me, and that’s a problem for me, Guerin. Because every time you look at me, I’m 17 again; I forget that the last 10 years even happened. And then you look away and I remember all over again and it almost kills me. Every time.”
Michael Guerin: “I never look away, not really.”

Alex Manes looking at Michael Guerin in 1×02. (The CW)
Who doesn’t adore a beautiful declaration of love? While Alex and Michael had a lot of obstacles standing in their way during this exchange, their feelings for each other were undeniable. There are so many callbacks to this dialogue for Alex and Michael over the course of the season that “I never look away” becomes their own special “I love you.”
“Tearin’ Up My Heart” (1×03)
Noah Bracken: “Maybe you can just let me worry about how happy you are. For once.”

Noah Bracken and Isobel Evans-Bracken in 1×03. (The CW)
It was so easy to root for Noah and his love for Isobel. He seemed to be one of the good guys who wanted to do the right things for the people he loved. In retrospect, his motives were maniacal and selfish. As we found out later in the season, Noah thought he had some claim to Rosa and Isobel, that he could use their bodies and minds for his own gain. This quote stands as a reminder that not everyone is who they say they are, and to not take characters for granted as we did with Noah Bracken.
Kyle Valenti: “Unless your boy Paul Ryan is an alien.”
Kyle is always willing to speak up for what he believes in, which usually comes in the form of a sassy quip. We love him because he questions authority to protect the ones he loves and does what he believes to be right. This quote is a fine example of that, against Sergeant Jesse Manes.
“Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” (1×04)
Liz Ortecho to Kyle Valenti: “I know what it is like when heroes fall. My mom, Rosa… You idolized your dad. I don’t want you to lose him twice. You are one of the best people I know; you don’t deserve that.”

Kyle Valenti and Liz Ortecho try to uncover the truth in 1×04. (The CW)
Liz and Kyle’s relationship was one of the most fascinating dynamics to watch this season. They were so many different things to each other over the course of the 13 episodes, and that is true to life and adulthood. Because of that, Liz is able to catch him on his bluff at times when he thinks his wall is up and strong. In this incredibly touching moment, Liz knew Kyle was going through something and she offered him words of compassion and solace. In the end, Kyle is the one who makes the decision to keep digging into this father’s past and secrets, to learn the truth about his father but also more about himself.
Liz Ortecho: “I don’t trust people, I’ve been burned too many times. I use facts and evidence to build a cage around my heart; I can’t help it. I can’t change it and, honestly, I don’t think I would want to. It’s my armor. I have never wanted anything as much as I want to believe that you didn’t hurt my sister, but I can’t shake the feeling you are lying.”
Liz’s honesty is one of her most admirable qualities. Liz is usually candid about the way she feels and shows no regrets of doing so. It is refreshing to see a female character use her emotions to her advantage, rather than distance herself from them due to the fear of being accused as hysterical. One of the many reasons why it is nice that Roswell, New Mexico has aged up the characters is that it allows for more moments of deep reflection and efforts to use healthy communication. Of course, at any age, there will always be exceptions when emotions and opinions run high.
“Don’t Speak” (1×05)
Michael Guerin: “Maybe it’s time we all tell the truth to the people we love. The secrets are gonna tear us all apart.”

Michael Vlamis as Michael Guerin in 1×05. (The CW)
Honesty is the best policy…or so they say. This quote is memorable because it’s when characters, other than Max, start to weigh the pros and cons of sharing their true identities with their loved ones. While Isobel has made it clear that she would love to tell Noah but it would only make things worse, this is Michael’s moment of wanting to stand in his truth and tell the man he loves about a part of his identity.
“Smells Like Teen Spirit” (1×06)
Liz Ortecho: “You destroyed my sister to save yours.”

Liz Ortecho finally gets answers about the death of her sister, Rosa, in 1×06. (The CW)
This unforgettable quote will always be a stand-out moment from the first season of Roswell, New Mexico. It’s one of the main turning points in the season. As the “truth” came out regarding the death of Liz’s sister, Rosa Ortecho (or what we thought was the truth), Liz let Max have it. She didn’t hold back her anger, grief, or pain. Max and his family let the town think the worst of Rosa Ortecho, let them lean into every irrational stereotype and bigoted thought about her to protect themselves. It was clear from this moment on that it would understandably take a lot more than an apology for Max to get on Liz Ortecho’s good side again.
“I Saw the Sign” (1×07)
Liz Ortecho: “There are five stages of grief. Denial is first, but we’re way past that. The second stage is anger. I haven’t hit stage three yet. In fact, I may never get there because, to be honest, rage feels a lot better than sadness. This anger has become my best friend. It’s my fuel; it’s my armor.”

Liz Ortecho channels her grief and rage into her work in 1×07. (The CW)
Liz Ortecho’s evolving armor is something that stands out in various episodes. Sometimes it’s the color red, thanks to the advice of her sister. Sometimes it’s science and statistics. Other times, it’s her rage and it’s depicted as more than okay because it is. It is refreshing to see a woman lean into her anger and not be demeaned and patronized for it. Liz doesn’t let others define her anger; it’s hers and she defines it as her fuel.
“Barely Breathing” (1×08)
Alex Manes: “Of course he is. He’s a real man, right? When I was 17, I wanted to make music. You sent me to war. You are not trying to protect me. You think that I would compromise your mission. Because you think I’m weak. Because I’m gay. […] I want to destroy the thing you love and I want to make you watch.”

Tyler Blackburn as Alex Manes in 1×08.
It’s hard not to audibly cheer Alex Manes on during this scene as he stands up to his homophobic father who is the worst. Alex is much more than his father ever tried to pigeonhole and stereotype him as, and Alex proves that to himself and the other characters on the show more than once over the course of the first season. Everything Alex says in this scene feels like a direct callback to 1×06 “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” It is in that episode that Jesse Manes attempts to destroy what Alex loves by crushing Michael’s hand with a hammer. Jesse tried to suck the happiness, love, and music out of both Alex and Michael’s lives, and this scene was a chance for Alex to turn the tables.
“Songs about Texas” (1×09)
Liz Ortecho: “I don’t know what to do with the way you feel about me. It isn’t real. For 10 years, you have loved a version of me that doesn’t exist anymore. The smart, perfect girl who believes in God and love and humanity. I am different now; I’m a mess. I run away from everything…”
Max Evans: “You are overly defensive and you’re sometimes selfish, and you are always muttering in Spanish like you think it’s some secret language that no one understands. But, hello, we are in New Mexico. We all speak Spanish. You always have to convince everyone that you are the smartest one in the room like we don’t already know. You think your sister was hard to love and so you think by being perfect and being the smartest that you are easier to love, easier for your mom, easier for your dad. But you are not perfect; I see your faults and I love you. Easily. You believe in the good in me when I can’t see it. So is it so crazy that I believe in you, too? Without evidence, I just know.”

Liz Ortecho and Max Evans share a kiss in 1×09. (The CW)
This moment is pivotal in recognizing the sincerity of Liz and Max’s connection. It exemplifies how they are able to truly see each other, especially Max seeing Liz. It shows how different they are but how well that works when it comes to their relationship. Max is much more of a romantic to Liz’s realist. They have made decisions and been dealt cards throughout their respective lives that have led them to this moment, back to each other, with the outlooks they have.
Liz Ortecho: “Maria DeLuca is her own savior. Every damn time.”
There’s so much to say about this quote, but it also speaks for itself. Maria’s strength and resilience shined in this scene. At this moment, Maria knew it would be better for her to sing it out and try to see the good in a day that didn’t go the way she had hoped. And she did. Maria brought love and light to a dark and dull bar full of people who may have needed it, but most importantly, she was able to ease her own mind, even if it was for a little bit.
“I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” (1×10)
Michael Guerin: “Welcome to the party. It’s a real bisexual alien blast around here.”

Michael Guerin comforts his sister, Isobel Evans-Bracken, in 1×10. (The CW)
As if we need another reason to fall even more in love with Michael Guerin. This quote is iconic and shall never be forgotten. While it is a funny and playful quote, it is said in a very honest and emotional scene between two siblings. If Isobel had feelings for Rosa, Michael was not going to ostracize her. Just when Isobel begins to question everything, including her sexuality, Michael’s words assure her that she is not alone.
“Champagne Supernova” (1×11)
Michael Guerin: “We are literally aliens and you’re going to hold me to some outdated binary of sexuality? I’m bisexual, Max. It’s not that complicated.”

Michael Guerin stands up to Max Evans in 1×11. (The CW)
This needed to be said and it’s clear that Max needed to hear it from Michael. This is another great moment of Michael standing in his truth that deserves to be recognized. Michael demystifies the stereotypes about bisexuality being a stepping stone to coming about as gay. He’s right; bisexuality isn’t complicated and more people should understand that.
“Creep” (1×12)
Alex Manes: “You just watched your government blow up a building filled with elderly people. Your brain is trying to justify the slaughter so that your government can be right. We want to believe that we’re safe, that goodness prevails. That’s the coldest reality about war. Sometimes you’re just doing what you’re told, and all of a sudden, things are burning, people are screaming, and then you look around and you realize that the evil is you.”

Alex Manes shares a harsh truth with Kyle Valenti in 1×12. (The CW)
In a time when the United States government is making questionable and harmful decisions to the detriment of marginalized communities, this quote can’t help but ring true. Alex Manes put a voice to a feeling many Americans may be grappling with as they try to process what is happening around them. Alex proves a point to Kyle in this scene; he proves that some of us are willing to do anything to try and see the good in an ugly situation if it results in the preservation of our moral compasses and belief systems. Alex’s words are an example of the mental gymnastics Kyle went through to make sense of the loss of so many innocent lives when the old prison full of aliens exploded. Alex can speak from experience here because, undoubtedly, he has had to do some mental gymnastics of his own with his military experience.
“Recovering Satellites” (1×13)
Isobel Evans-Bracken: “You’re not my person, Noah. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you my secret. I don’t love you. I never did.”

Isobel Evans-Bracken attempts to take her agency and power back from Noah Bracken in 1×13. (The CW)
Noah Bracken’s demise went beyond the hands of Max Evans and into his psyche as Isobel got the last word. Yes, like she said, she did lie to him when she told him she had never loved him, but she was able to regain the power in a dynamic where it had been taken from her so many times throughout their relationship. Noah violated her in unimaginable ways and Isobel was able to stand in front of him and tell him that he means nothing to her. She got to stand tall, in her own body, and speak for herself. It was incredibly moving and powerful to watch.
Season 1 of Roswell, New Mexico had no shortage of memorable and shocking moments. We are on the edge of our seats to see what happens next season. In the meantime, find us on Twitter and let us know your favorite Roswell, New Mexico quotes!
Roswell, New Mexico airs on The CW. Season 1 is available to stream now on Netflix.