It has been a few weeks since the epic series finale of Freeform’s Shadowhunters, and a year to the day that this award-winning, fan-favorite show was canceled. Our team here at Basic Stuff Magazine wanted to take some time to reflect on the past three years, our experiences as part of the Shadowfam, and the past year spent trying to save it.
What has Shadowhunters meant to you?
Charlie: Shadowhunters… God. What a show. What a time to be alive that we get to witness a show like this on television. Considering what Shadowhunters has meant to me is a strange experience. When the show started airing, I was 15, and I vividly remember saving my Wednesday nights, after dance, for the show. When the show was canceled, I was 17. I had been writing and working for the wonderful company that is Basic Shadowhunters Stuff for a year (we’re two years in now, baby). Today, I am 18, and very much changed from that 15-year-old. In many ways, I feel my journey has been a mundane version of Clary’s. I’ve lost, I’ve been broken, I’ve had to face demons, I’ve had to rebuild my life with a new normal. I’ve learnt to fight – for my life, for what I love, and for what I truly believe in.
Brie: I think one major thing I kept coming back to over the years is that Shadowhunters has felt like the culmination of all of my fandom experiences. It felt like the universe gave us Shadowhunters on a silver platter, and it was everything I needed at that point in my life. It wasn’t just the show, or the cast, or the crew, or the fandom; the whole package is something so special and unique.
Tasha: There are not many shows today that do what Shadowhunters does, and do it so accurately and honestly. Shadowhunters brought me the family I always wanted – the cast, characters, and fandom have become my family. To me, Shadowhunters is about love, acceptance, and family.
Ashlee: Shadowhunters is more than a show. Clary walked into the Shadow World and discovered a piece of herself she always felt was missing. She found purpose and a new family. When you look at the fandom, you’ll see that represented there, too. Friendships have been made, and people who once felt they had to stay hidden now have the courage to be themselves. To me, Shadowhunters is a family, a chosen family where we protect, love, and care for each other. And, like Clary, we will fight for that family until the bitter end.

Kat McNamara poses with fans at the Peoples Choice Awards food truck at NYCC 2018. (Credit: John Rakich)
Lisa: The cast and crew photos, videos, interviews and social media interactions; the fanart, fanfiction, and fellow fans – those things changed Shadowhunters from a show I enjoyed to a passion. In my opinion, part of the reason why the fans have fought so long and so hard to save Shadowhunters is because they feel connected to the show because of the authenticity and sincerity of the people onscreen and behind the scenes.
Angie: I can’t remember exactly when I started Twitter, but I was definitely late to the game. I was incredibly surprised to see the cast and writers interacting with the fans. It made me love the show even more. It felt like a big family – the Shadowfam.
I always appreciated how the show did not shy away from difficult topics, and every character and situation was treated with the utmost respect. At the end of the day, I love the show for its grit, honesty, and humor. I love the Shadowhunters writers, who have opened themselves up to the fans. I love how the cast truly care about each other and the entire Shadowfam. I don’t believe this connection between cast, crew, writers, and fans will ever be replicated. I’m so glad I was here for the ride.
Leonie: The smartest thing show did – for me, personally – was put Matthew Daddario in the opening seconds of the pilot [laughs]. After 1×04 aired, I got hooked for real, and then learned to love the other characters as well, as the first season progressed. Not only did they portray a same-sex couple as an incredibly beautiful love story for the ages, but the show, later on, introduced an asexual character, giving me the representation on TV that I so desperately was seeking before; this truly cemented the show as one of my all-time faves. The show isn’t perfect – far from it – but it touched upon so many important issues, and dealt with most subjects in a thoughtful and respectful manner.
Jack: I’d been peripherally aware of Shadowhunters for a little while before I started watching. The final catalyst was when the Malec ‘I love you’s’ aired in 2×10, and I binged it in about two days and never looked back. I think that’s indicative of why it’s important to me; just love, plain and simple. The love these characters feel for each other, the love for these characters that we all share, and also the love shared between us fans, the cast, and the crew is simply unlike any other fandom I’ve ever experienced. I always thought calling fandom your family was a little cringey before. But now? Now I get it.

Jack R. (BSS), right, participates in the hunt for the #SaveShadowhunters buses in London. (Credit: Jack R.)
Rebecca M.: I was a fan of the books, but after what had happened with the movie, I wasn’t willing to set myself up for another potential disappointment. But then I’ll never forget the night I came across two gifsets on Tumblr, shortly after 1×04 aired. The first one had Alec and Isabelle Lightwood in it, while the other had Malec’s first meeting. It was enough for me to change my mind, to give it at least a chance and so I did. Before I realized it, Shadowhunters stopped being just a show for me. In a way, I felt it helped me work on myself through a path of self discovery and self acceptance just like the characters on screen did.
So, thank you, Shadowhunters, indeed. Thank you for offering us the honest representation we hardly get to see onscreen, for showing us the difference we can make in the world by doing our best to spread love and acceptance. Thank you for allowing us to create one big, wonderful family.
C.B.: Just as the show began, I was at the tail end of a very difficult time in my life. I needed something to remind me that grief shouldn’t swallow me whole. For an hour each week, I got a chance to live outside of the grief and experience emotions beyond those of loss and sadness. It’s amazing how something so simple can save you.
There are so many things I could say about what makes Shadowhunters so special, but I think it really comes down to one thing: You will see yourself. No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you look like, your sexuality, your strengths and weaknesses…you will see yourself represented. Not just in one character or in one way, but in every way imaginable.
While this is a show rooted in the urban fantasy genre, it reflects reality in unexpected and powerful ways. All the beauty, ugliness, joy, pain, love, heartbreak, inequities, and fight for change. It’s all there, reminding us to be better and to do better because it matters. I am living proof that it leaves a lasting impression and has the power to change us in the best ways possible.

Nicola Correia-Damude, C.B. Wentworth (BSS), and Kat McNamara at The Italian Institute Convention 2018. (Credit: C.B. Wentworth)
Shelby: I love Shadowhunters because of the ways it invites viewers to look at issues that we face in our everyday lives in a new way, through a supernatural lens. By doing this, it proves that even though the characters are werewolves, warlocks, Shadowhunters, and/or everything in between, there is a commonality in the human experience. Essentially, Shadowhunters has provided a unique reflection of experiences and lives that will hold a place in the hearts of so many forever. That is not something that should be taken lightly.
Rebecca S.: It’s been an escape, and something I looked forward to watching and then breaking down in excruciating detail with my friends every week. It’s even given me connections in unexpected places – I started a new job and one of my coworkers ended up being a fan of the show, which immediately made me feel like I had chosen the right law firm. I wish I could adequately put into words what this show has given me, but that might require me to write a dissertation.
What does ‘Shadowfam’ mean to you?
Charlie: Thanks to this incredible show I’ve had a chance to work with some absolutely unbelievable people with Basic Shadowhunters Stuff (and later with TalkNerdyWithUs, who I’ve been with for a year now). I am constantly in awe of my incredible colleagues, with whom I also made friends. My original sparring partner and guide was BSS’s co-founder Sam. The one who gave a young girl an incredible chance because of the heart I couldn’t keep out of my writing (it seems emotions cloud writing, not judgement). BSS’s other co-founder – another incredible woman who lights the way – is Brie, the most driven and selfless human being I know. Her wisdom and patience is something absolutely unparalleled. Being a small cog in this greater machine, being merely a visitor in many ways to this turbulent, passionate fandom has been truly a gift.

Visiting the ‘Shadowhunters Bench’ in Central Park, New York City. From the left: Erin F. (from BSS), Amanda, Rebecca S. (BSS), and Nykia. (Credit: Rebecca S.)
Tasha: The people I have met because of Shadowhunters and the #SaveShadowhunters campaign are incredible and I am happy to call some of them family. I am a homebody with mild anxiety (among other issues), which cause me to not be able to connect to people easily, which, in turn, leads me to have very few close friends. I was shocked, to say the least, when I was able to easily connect with people in this fandom. Some of my new family have dealt with some of the same issues I have, and still do. We are each other’s support systems and are there for each other when we need to vent. I have never had this in my life, and I am forever grateful to Shadowhunters for bringing these incredible people into my life. We exchanged holiday cards this past year, and some of us have met in person, while some of us are trying to plan a meet-up in the fall. I think back to where I was a year ago and I’m emotional over how much Shadowhunters and the fandom have meant to me.
Lisa: ShadowFam – 1. A group of incredibly passionate fans of the TV show Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments (including the cast and crew who are part of the family.) 2. A force of nature.
Leonie: The ShadowFam is all of us: the cast, the crew, the fans. Sadly, what brought us all closer together wasn’t many years of celebrating the show; no, unfortunately, it was its cancelation. But through this adversity, we showed incredible unity, and I think that’s incredibly beautiful.
Jack: The thing I take away most from being in this fandom, apart from all the wonderful people I now call friends, is that it gives me the ability and freedom to do what I enjoy. Professionally, my life hasn’t gone the way I’d hoped – but being in this fandom gives me the creative outlet I desperately need, whether that’s writing, designing, or organising charity fundraisers! It’s also incredible to think that the Shadowfam doesn’t just impact us. The charity work we’ve done, the money we raised after the cancelation – that’s really made a difference in the world in general, to people we will never meet or know. We’ve helped leave the world a better place than when we found it.
Rebecca M.: This is what Shadowfam means to me, in just one word: family. A huge, loving, understanding, even if sometimes annoying and dysfunctional, family. And it does not just include us, the fans, because more than once, the cast and the crew showed us, proved to us how much they’re a part of it as well.
For the first time ever, I felt like I had a community I could belong to, where I could feel accepted for who I am, where I could find other people like me who definitely made me feel less alone and less misunderstood. And this is something that not even the end of the show will be able to take away from me, from us, because this community, this family based on love and acceptance that we created, is also our greatest legacy.
C.B.: The name ‘Shadowfam’ really says it all. This is a family in every conceivable way – we love, we bicker, we make up, and we are in this together for always and forever. It’s amazing how we’re all so different but united in this incredible community. Shadowhunters did that, and it’s a beautiful thing.
As I worked through grief and struggled with self-acceptance, the fandom supported me simply by being there with all their passion, excitement, and love. Even if they never knew the personal battles I was fighting, they played a part in helping me heal, in helping me find my center and happiness again. For that, I will always be eternally grateful.
Shelby: In a time when I was feeling discouraged as a writer and needed a win, the team at Basic Shadowhunters Stuff took me under their wing and welcomed me with one of the warmest hugs; well, as warm as a virtual hug can be. In joining this wonderful team, I have grown as a fan, writer, and human being. It is because of the Shadowfam’s general tendency towards love and acceptance that I was confident enough to share my writing with this team of people and put myself out there. The Shadowfam, as I have experienced it, is one that makes space for everyone to share their truth, and feel comfortable and safe doing so. It truly is a family and I am immensely lucky to be a part of it.
Rebecca S.: I discovered Shadowhunters shortly before I tore my right Achilles tendon. For someone who spent two months on crutches, isolated because it was difficult to travel anywhere, the Shadowfam were, and are, friends at my fingertips. It was a hugely important sense of community that really helped my mental health while I was healing physically.
So personally, the Shadowfam means support. It means friendship. It means the creation of life-long bonds that have you traveling across the country to see each other and venturing internationally together. Beyond ‘just’ the friends I have made, the Shadowfam is a huge collection of people whose lives have been touched in some way by Shadowhunters, creating a bond that will last long after the show has ended.

Brie B. (BSS), actor Jack Yang, and Nannette get ready to ride the pedicab at SDCC 2018. (Credit: Brie B.)
What do you hope people take away from the #SaveShadowhunters campaign?
Brie: This experience has been really eye-opening for me about how special this family we’ve built together is. How unique, global, passionate, and talented we are. I’m definitely most proud of the money we’ve raised for charity – $24,000 for The Trevor Project alone, and an additional $10,000 for various other charities. Channeling the pain of the cancelation into something positive has been beyond rewarding, and it’s the best legacy the show could have ever had.
As for what people take away, I think at the end of the day, the #SaveShadowhunters campaign was about a lot of things, not just trying to save the show. We made people sit up and take notice, we got international press, we united fans around the world, we won four People’s Choice Awards through sheer force via write-in votes. I hope that people remember that we managed to keep Shadowhunters on top. I’m happy that the cast and crew have been able to hold their heads high and be proud of all the love they are getting and the phenomenal work they have done.
Charlie: This is the campaign that unified and defined this fandom, I think. I’ll take away a summer of traveling to universities and being perpetually stunned on long car journeys by donations, billboards, buses, planes, cupcakes, books, ducks, sweets, and bikes. I’ll take away the exciting terror of running the account during power hours. I’ll take away the strength of a beautifully messy, united fandom celebrating wins that were all theirs – and did we have some brilliant ones!
If this is our ‘Shadowhunters Legacy’ – a show that transcends boundaries, promotes love in every form, and supports each other through thick and thin – then we should be proud of it. We should sound it in the streets, in the air, and across the sea. Here’s to us. Here’s to the show. Here’s to our fantastic legacy.

BSS interviews Isaiah Mustafa and Alisha Wainwright at NYCC 2017. (Credit: Sara G. / Basic Stuff Magazine)
Tasha: I am so amazed at this entire campaign. Never in my life have I seen anything as global, unified, positive, loud, and incredible as what we have managed to pull off. I think my absolute favorite thing about the campaign is seeing the cast and crew’s reactions to everything we have done. Knowing that they know they are loved and appreciated. To me, that is one of the most important things, that, whether or not we are able to save the show, the cast and crew know that their hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed or unappreciated. I am proud to know that if this is really the end of Shadowhunters on our screens, we didn’t let it go without a fight, that we did everything that we literally could to try and get it saved. This campaign will stay with me for the rest of my life, knowing that I was part of something bigger than myself and had a part in something that made a difference to people.
Lisa: I distinctly remember the anticipation of the New York Times Square billboards being turned on. I felt particularly proud of the fandom at that moment. Also, when the fans voted Shadowhunters, Katherine McNamara, and Harry Shum Jr. into more categories than they were nominated for in the E! People’s Choice Awards. Which brings me to what I will remember the most: the time. The amount of time fans, including myself, have put into trying to save the show. The power hours, the endless voting, the planning, the artistry, and so much more. Nothing is more precious than time, and the Shadowhunters fans have put their time in for sure. They have backed up their claims of wanting the show saved with EFFORT. Not only effort but continued effort, for what’s coming up on a year now.
Leonie: Hands down, our money-raising efforts for The Trevor Project. Yes, the plane and the buses and the bikes and the billboards and winning four PCA’s were epic and badass, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the total amount of money we raised to honor the show, and more importantly, to help people in need. Everytime I think about it, I’m moved close to tears.

Isaiah Mustafa, Matthew Daddario, Kat McNamara, and Alisha Wainwright meet fans at NYCC 2017. (Credit: Rebecca S.)
Rebecca M.: Raising thousands of dollars for various charities, like The Trevor Project! I mean, sure, the whole #SaveShadowhunters campaign has truly been epic and impressive, but to think that we’ve been able to work together to achieve a goal that’s definitely going to impact and help the lives of many people in need? Nothing will ever be able to top this.
So, that’s what I hope people will take away from it: If we learn to work with each other, to overcome the differences that often make us argue and fight over useless stuff, then we can really do wonders.
Favorite Shadowhunters scene? Favorite character?
Lisa: That is such a hard question. If I had a gun to my head, I would say Magnus. I have an undying love for magic; plus Magnus is a character that is larger than life. But add Alec to his dynamic and you get the best character: Malec. I could watch them clean the bathroom and be content. As for my favorite scene, it is cliché, but the wedding scene where Malec kiss for the first time. The anticipation of what will Alec do when he reaches the end of that aisle; plus, well…that kiss.
Jack: Does Alec’s entire character arc count as a scene? His journey from that angry, closeted boy to the brave man he always was inside was inspiring to watch, as he took a risk on love and it paid off massively. He grew and carved out his own path, and while I’m not in the same place he is, it makes me think, what the hell’s stopping me from doing the same? I can because he did.
Angie: I really enjoyed the lighter scenes from the show. The whole ‘book club’ discussion about Jace. Magnus and Alec at Lorenzo’s house was comedic genius. Any time Jace and Simon were bantering. My favorite lines, written by Taylor Mallory, were used in a teaser but cut for time from the show:
Simon: ‘Everything is a competition for you, isn’t it?’
Jace: ‘Is it really a competition if I always win?’

The Shadowhunters cast in the press room at San Diego Comic Con 2017. (Credit: Brie B. / Basic Stuff Magazine)
Rebecca M.: Alec. Not only is he my favorite character on the show but he’s also the one I identify with the most. When we first met him, it was clear he had his own flaws and weaknesses. He wouldn’t let anyone that wasn’t his family get close to him and he couldn’t find it in himself to be who he truly was, too scared of what the consequences might be. He often put his duties, the expectations everyone had over him, before his own happiness and well-being. That is something I can relate to, a lot. And this is also why watching his personal growth throughout the seasons – as he slowly learns to accept himself for who he is and that he doesn’t have to sacrifice his own happiness – will never stop being inspirational to me.
C.B.: Alec’s deep compassion for others, his loving and intimate relationship with Magnus, and his role as a leader shows that introverts have a lot hidden beneath their quiet exterior. In many ways, Alec has challenged me to open up a bit more and push the boundaries of my comfort zone while also staying true to myself.
Favorite memory of the cast?
Brie: My favorite memory is definitely getting to interview the cast at San Diego Comic Con 2017! They were all so sweet and funny at the roundtable interviews in the press room. I remember the whole table being in stitches when Kat and Dom came around because Dom was teasing Kat so much. I even got to ask Isaiah Mustafa about Luke being a former Shadowhunter (heyo, that came back [laughs]). Freeform also misprinted our name on our outlet place card and had only put ‘Shadowhunters Stuff,’ so I hand-wrote in ‘BASIC’ right above it; the first thing that Harry and Matt decided to do when they sat down was make fun of our name (‘Why is it Basic? I think it’s complex.’).
Jack: When I was lucky enough to go to Pandemonium Con and they all took the time to compliment my jacket or my hair. Or when Matt said I seemed like a very organised and capable person. It’s small, but they didn’t need to do that, and they did anyway, ‘cause that’s just who they are. I’ll always remember that.
Angie: I really enjoyed the family-like atmosphere between the cast. You could tell they genuinely liked being around each other. I must say, I loved it when Kat dressed up like the girl from The Ring and scared the crap out of Dom and Isaiah. Sweet, sweet payback for all the times Dom scared Kat. I also laugh whenever I watch the video of Alberto narrating Dom ‘panda-ing.’ The Harry and Alan stare-off is downright iconic.
Rebecca M.: My whole experience at the second edition of The Italian Institute Convention in Milan last year. Not only because I had the incredible opportunity to interact with some of the cast but because I could see with my own eyes how much they’re not just a cast, but a real family.
Some of the best memories were of Kat showing up unannounced at the end of the first day, so tired but also genuinely happy to be there with us. Alberto offering us cookies while we were standing in the endless queue for Matt’s autograph. Matt’s utter dedication to each fan in front of him, no matter how exhausted and worn out he looked.
As for myself, I’ll never forget the way Nicola hugged me after I told her she’s the kind of mom we all deserve in our lives. I’ll cherish that feeling forever. Nor will I forget Matt taking the time to thoughtfully reply to my question when I finally had the chance to talk to him, and later thanking me for it before I could even tell him how much that meant to me.
C.B.: I’ve had the pleasure of meeting most of the cast, and I have amazing memories with them. I had a couple of very special moments with Matt, in particular. He has a way of making you feel like you are the only person in the room with him and that you are important. He also gave me what is probably one of the best hugs I’ve ever received because he loved the gift I gave him and couldn’t believe I made it for him. He takes none of us for granted and is as kind-hearted as you think he is.
Nicola and I also had a special moment in a meet-and-greet. We had an incredible conversation about body image and how women are portrayed on television. She made me feel comfortable enough to talk about my own issues with weight and my journey towards accepting my body. I walked out of there feeling so empowered.
David Castro, however, gave me the most surprising moment. When I met him, I thanked him for how well he portrayed what it’s like to watch someone you love struggle with dementia, as that was how I lost my grandmother. I got a little emotional and a couple tears got away from me. He jumped out of his chair and pulled me into a hug and told me it was okay. Then, he gave me a little kiss on the cheek. I was so blown away by how much he cared. Needless to say, this cast is special and their big hearts are a huge reason why the Shadowfam exists.

Dominic Sherwood, C.B. Wentworth (BSS), and Matthew Daddario at The Italian Institute Convention 2018. (Credit: C.B. Wentworth)
Favorite memory of the crew?
Lisa: I love all the behind-the-scenes photos and videos; plus, the crew are just really great people. This is the only show where I know the names of people who work behind the scenes. How many shows are there where fans know the name of the make-up artist or location managers? It can’t be many.
Rebecca S.: I’ve had the honor of hanging out with John Rakich, everyone’s favorite location manager, on a couple of occasions. My friends and I even grabbed a late, late, late dinner with him in London when he was coincidentally there at the same time we were (and we got a bonus lesson on the Canadian maple syrup cartel [laughs]). The whole crew seems incredibly down-to-earth and equally as passionate about the show as we are, which is wonderful.
Brie: I had the pleasure of meeting up with John Rakich when I was at San Diego Comic Con 2018. We were coordinating the #SaveShadowhunters pedi-cabs and Jack Yang (who plays Asmodeus) met up with us. He was very kind and brought us some ‘Hotel Dumort’ keychains. I felt bad because I was a little day drunk (I blame it on WIRED Cafe’s free booze) and very stressed about the whole campaign. But he was such a sweetheart. It just reiterated to me how lucky we are to have such amazing people working on the show every step of the way.

Some of the Shadowhunters writers get together for the 3B premiere. (Credit: Taylor Mallory)
Favorite memory of the writers?
Brie: We’ve actually kept this one a secret, but I feel like we might as well spill now. Back when we saw the screener for 2×18 ‘Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen,’ we were so overwhelmed with love that we sent the writers’ room rainbow and gold-sprinkled donuts and a message that said, ‘Thanks for the Malec.’ I remember Sam Pedley (our co-founder, and Editor in Chief at the time), after watching the episode, announced in our group chat: ‘GET THE GAYEST, GOLDEST DONUTS YOU CAN FIND THAT DELIVER IN LOS ANGELES.’ So I spent a few days searching ‘gold donuts,’ ‘custom donuts Los Angeles,’ ‘gayest donuts in Los Angeles.’
Angie: I’ve always appreciated how much the Shadowhunters writers communicate with the fans. I don’t think that’s common practice for television writers. You could tell the writers were just as big of fans as the rest of us. They were a hilarious bunch with their La Croix water, pretzels, and episode teasers (#NeedlessToSay, Zeke Russo, etc.). They live-tweeted episodes long after they’d moved on to new writing gigs. I thought that was a really classy move.
C.B.: The writers of Shadowhunters took what the fans felt to heart and that’s really special. So often, writers of television shows don’t take the time to gauge what the audience wants or consider what moves us as they write storylines. I loved how they made fans part of the process and let us in on so many behind-the-scenes secrets.

Matthew Daddario with Rebecca M. (BSS) at The Italian Institute Convention 2018. (Credit: Rebecca M.)
Before Shadowhunters and this fandom, I…
Lisa: …had lots of time on my hands [laughs].
Brie: …didn’t understand how ‘extra’ a fandom could be.
Jack: …never knew what it meant to be in a real, loving community.
Angie: …wasn’t leading a top-secret fandom double life.
C.B. …didn’t know just how ‘next level’ I could take fangirling.
Anything else you want to say?
Brie: If nothing else, we hope the cast and crew realize how much what they do matters and how many lives they’ve touched all around the world. And I also wanted to reassure the fandom that we are going to be just fine. We take #ShadowFam4Lyfe thing seriously and you aren’t getting rid of us anytime soon.
Leonie: I second Brie; #ShadowFam4Lyfe. This fandom will live on in stories, in art, and in friendships and memories. We’re all in this together, y’all.
Jack: Just like Alec, we’re not going anywhere.
Angie: I’m never going to forget the love that connected the entire Shadowfam. Has there ever been another show where the cast, crew, writers, and fans all bonded? I do believe we will continue this amazing connection, no matter where life takes everyone. #Shadowfam4Lyfe
C.B.: I’m not going anywhere. #Shadowfam4Lyfe
Rebecca M.: We may not know what the future holds for Shadowhunters, but I do know what it holds for the Shadowfam. We’re not going anywhere. This fandom isn’t going anywhere. The friendships we’ve built because of the show and the bonds we created with the cast and the crew aren’t going anywhere. Whether it is through fanfiction, fanart, edits, headcanons, our fam will continue to thrive just fine.
Shadowhunters is available to stream on the Freeform app, On Demand, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Netflix (internationally). Check out our article recapping one year of #SaveShadowhunters. Read some of our interviews with the Shadowhunters writers and crew here.