The weekend at MCM Comic Con London was so full for Shadowhunters fans in the UK that we couldn’t fit it all into just one article! Kat McNamara, Emeraude Toubia, Alberto Rosende, Chai Hansen, and Jade Hassouné appeared at the convention on October 27th and 28th. You can read our recap of Saturday’s panel here. On Sunday, the cast participated in both a panel and a press conference. Here are the highlights.
On future projects
Kat spoke a little bit about her upcoming role on Arrow, calling it “a real gift.” She also called it eerie, coming off a show with such a family atmosphere, onto another where she is a new family member. “They’ve been so welcoming and so wonderful. Everything that I learned during Shadowhunters and everything that that family brought me, I’m taking with me on this [next] job. And I’m eternally grateful to everyone that was involved in Shadowhunters for that.”
Jade, too, has been busy doing motion capture and voice work for a main character in the new game Starlink: Battle for Atlas for Nintendo Switch. Jade said it was a “dream” shooting scenes with the characters he grew up with, but that it was surreal at the same time.
When asked what project he would do with infinite time, money, and zero restrictions, Jade said: “I kind of already feel that way; I feel like we have access to this infinity and the more we connect to it, the more possibility out there.” He talked about how there’s “so much” that he wants to do, making films and music, and continuing this “connection” he has with the fans. Jade also mentioned that he’s currently working on his music and Alberto took a moment to call it “fantastic.”
Jade also spoke about fan conventions and how he’d like to make them more interactive, “where it’s not just, ‘Hey, come meet us and take pictures with us,’ but, ‘Come be involved,’ because so many of [the Shadowhunters fandom] are incredible artists.” His idea would be to have a convention where fans get together to create a communal project, to see what they can all create together and the kind of impact it could make, perhaps by raising money through art.
On Malec
“I have to say, I’ve always admired Matt and Harry for how they’ve crafted this relationship,” Kat said when asked if they had anything they could share about Malec in 3B. “The care and the time and the effort, and the meticulous nature with which they’ve created each character and the relationship together, and the journey – that’s why it’s so beautiful and that’s why I think so many people connect to it, because they’ve taken the time to make it as perfect as it can be.”

This question’s a real humdinger for Kat McNamara. Alberto Rosende looks on amused. (Leonie H./Basic Stuff Magazine)
On their characters’ legacies
One particular fan question was inspired by the #ShadowhuntersLegacy hashtag that the cast and crew members use when talking about the show coming to an end and asked each cast member what they thought their own characters’ legacies would be. Chai responded first, saying that Jordan’s legacy is fighting through pain and trying to make amends: “He’s still haunted by the past with what he did to Maia.”
“I think, for Clary,” said Kat, “her legacy is that she’s always been this walking dichotomy. You know, she’s a mundane but actually a Shadowhunter. She’s an artist and a fighter. She’s a Fairchild and a Morgenstern. She’s all of these things put together, and all she’s trying to do is fight for the right thing and find where her place is – and ultimately, I think she does. It doesn’t matter what you’re made of, it matters what you choose to be and I think that’s kind of what Clary is.”
Simon’s legacy – or what Alberto would hope for it to be – is being someone for people to look up to whenever they feel alone or in a difficult place. “There’s this idea of being this open, caring, understanding person that is willing to admit that they’re continually learning,” he said.
“Meliorn is interesting because he’s been alive for like 147 years or something and he’s still young,” Jade began. He talked about Meliorn’s experience and the contrast between previous generations of Shadowhunters and this current, more open one, and how that relates to our real-world situation. He mentioned that Meliorn “gets to make a choice and decide what he wants to be, what legacy he wants to leave and what changes he wants to make in the Shadow World.”
Emeraude said that Isabelle’s legacy would be fighting for what’s right. She believes that that’s important to both Izzy and people in the real world. “I think you always have to do what’s right and fight for what’s right,” she said, “and be the one who makes the change. Don’t be a follower. Be a leader.”
On favorite sets
“I miss Simon’s bedroom,” was Alberto’s immediate answer when asked if there was a particular set they’d miss the most from the show. Emeraude questioned the existence of Simon’s bedroom at all! As it turns out, his bedroom in his and Jordan’s apartment was only a door that, if opened, led straight to craft services! He also talked about the cool detail of the apartment having a built-in fire escape and that he would often sit in it.
Jade mentioned how beautiful the Seelie Court was and Emeraude teased a “beautiful scene” coming up on that set. Kat picked the Jade Wolf, mentioning how she couldn’t even go in after filming had completely wrapped as it was broken down almost immediately and she didn’t want to see it in that state. She also reminisced about the “boat basin” where she and Alberto had a lot of their scenes together.
“The Institute was spectacular to see in person,” said Jade, to which everyone else also agreed.
“The first moment where I started to really fangirl was when I stepped foot into the Institute,” said Chai. “That was unreal.”

Jade Hassouné spills about his character, Meliorn. (Leonie H./Basic Stuff Magazine)
On what the hell Meliorn does
“There’s going to be a lot more Meliorn,” Jade promised when talking about his role in Season 3B, “and a lot more of the Seelies coming through this time.” He talked about how in media, elves and elf-adjacent species are frequently elusive, but that 3B dives deeper into the Seelie Realm and that Meliorn “finally gets to play, he gets to join the fight.” Kat mentioned how happy she was at getting to work with Jade again.
“I just want to, like, join the Scooby gang, you know? That’s all I’ve been wanting to do!” Jade said, before Chai lamented their lack of scenes together and took a moment to tell Jade that he loves him. We think Chai might love his new friends a whole lot, guys.
The next question: Where was Meliorn when Lilith was around? And Jade’s response: “Good question! Where’s Meliorn when all the Seelies die all the time?” He then shared his own headcanon – that the Seelie Queen sends him off on missions to other dimensions and realms as her representative, and that he goes off, gets the job done, returns, and everyone else is dead. Yikes!
On Season 3B and the return of Jonathan Morgenstern
Kat shared that what she loves about 3B “is it takes everything that you know and everything that you’ve counted on about the Shadow World and turns it on its head. Anything that you thought you were sure of, you shouldn’t be, because everything changes. Everything gets flipped around and everything gets really twisted and dark.”
She also went on to talk about the impact of the mid-season finale: “It changes everyone […] No one escapes that unscathed. Particularly Clary. She’ll never be the same after those events.”
The cast were also asked about the character Jonathan’s position as the new big bad – that is, assuming that Lilith is now truly gone! Kat took the opportunity to remind everyone that according to the mythology of the show, greater demons don’t die permanently. Jade mentioned how fans will soon meet Luke Baines (who plays the part of Jonathan in Season 3B), who he described as “so good.”
“The Jonathan/Sebastian character has always been my favorite from the books,” said Kat. “To have two incredible actors – Will Tudor and now Luke Baines – bring that character to life, it’s been so incredible. Will did such amazing work, and then Luke came in and brought the character to life in a new way. It’s almost another character.”

Chai Hansen and Kat McNamara share a laugh. (Leonie H./Basic Stuff Magazine)
On embarrassing moments and being grossed out
“The first time I ever had to chug [fake] blood was in the Hotel Dumort with Clary,” he said. “And that one, it was like a tomato juice with chunky gelatin squares – I had to chug it; Simon’s starving […] I think after, like, six takes, I went to the director and was like, ‘Hey, man, I can’t keep doing this.’”
Jade said having blood on himself while shooting was uncomfortable and Emeraude added that the cold in Toronto made it even worse. Kat agreed with the sentiment about the cold, sharing that her hair once froze on-set! She said that while filming the scene where Jace and Clary climb out of Lake Lyn in 2×16, “Day of Atonement,” they were sprayed down with water and her hair “instantly crystallized.”
“I had a moment on – I think it was Episode 7 [of Season 3] – when Jordan woke up naked in the mud and we shot that out at a beach,” said Chai. “We shot that at, like, two in the morning. And think about that in Toronto. Two in the morning, naked with blood on me. I started getting really sticky.”
On #SaveShadowhunters and the fandom
#SaveShadowhunters came up a lot over the weekend! Chai mentioned the billboard in South Korea, saying that he didn’t know the fandom “stretched out that far.” “This is a huge worldwide family and I absolutely am honored and touched by such a large-scale thing,” he said.
“Yeah, I think that’s what you’re touching on,” said Alberto, “the idea that it’s so worldwide, so supportive, so loving, and so big.”
“I never knew there was so many people,” said Chai. “Coming into it, I knew that it was huge, right? But to see such support from the fanbase is, like, so honoring, you know? I feel so humbled. I mean there was like 18-20 million tweets?” This caused a brief debate over the actual number, with Kat and Emeraude estimating 22 million. [Editor’s note: At the time of the conference, Chai was right with 18 million.]
“The fans are just so amazing, you know? They keep surprising us,” said Emeraude when the cast was asked about their reaction to their five People’s Choice Award nominations (four of which were write-in votes). “It’s one thing after another, everything we have wouldn’t be there without the fans, without you guys. We just thank you so much for your support because it’s truly unbelievable.”
“To have the show end, so to speak, and then to see these things happening, postmortem, in a way,” added Alberto, “as an actor, you always want to be a part of something that that affects people, that causes them to think and love and change and question. And to see that we were able to create something that was not only just ours, it was all of ours and it extended across the world […] This will never die. This is something that we’ll always have and that’s the coolest part.”

Alberto Rosende getting passionate. (Leonie H./Basic Stuff Magazine)
Alberto then mentioned the over $30,000 raised by fans for The Trevor Project and other charities: “I’m tremendously proud to say that I was part of a show that the fandom felt the need to do these incredible things. I mean it speaks to all of you; it speaks to our writers, it speaks to them. It’s just– it’s overwhelmingly beautiful.”
Kat continued praising the fandom: “It’s always been one of supporting each other as well as supporting the show. We’ve all seen so many artists, and so many writers, and these people that have their own passion projects that, through the show, gained their own recognition and their own spotlight in a sense.”
Kat also assured fans that the community they had built would live on, no matter what happens with the potential future of the show. “The Shadowhunters fandom, the community that’s been created, the friendships, the bonds that have been formed, that doesn’t have to go away. That can continue to grow. And this community, that’s ultimately celebrating a story about love and acceptance, will continue and that spirit can carry on,” concluded Kat.
“It shows how much they care about the stories and they care about the characters,” Emeraude said. “Blessed to be a working actor and to have that kind of support behind us because not everyone is so lucky.”
Jade then added, “We’re very fortunate. We were fortunate just from the get-go, to get a show that already had a fanbase to begin with, which almost never happens, and they allowed it to be carried so far. And to see– I was in South Korea in August, and I saw the poster that they bought, the billboard, I mean, this giant #SaveShadowhunters.”
“And this is the thing: the way that the world is right now, people are so divided,” said Kat, “but to have a story that’s ultimately about love and unity and acceptance, and to have all these people all over the world come together and form friendships and form this community, it’s really an amazing thing to see.”
“It speaks for the world that we created with them, this whole theme of love and support, it’s really cool,” Alberto agreed. “[…] Through our show this fandom, this group, a lot of these younger fans and fans in general have found their voices and are starting to understand that they have a power in that. A power for both positive or negative, but there is a tremendous power in that.”
“Well, they’re using their passion for a positive force, and that’s ultimately what it is, choosing the kind of world that we wanna live in,” Kat wrapped up.
Check out our full gallery of photos of the weekend here.
Shadowhunters returns with Season 3B starting Monday, February 25, 2019 on Freeform.