Shadowhunters fans have had enough spoilers for 3×11, but we thought we’d share a few of our (spoiler-free) reactions to our favorite bits leading up to the 3B premiere on Freeform this Monday, February 25th.
It is no secret that one of the things Shadowhunters has struggled with is pacing; some episodes in the past have felt like they were frantically racing through key plot moments, pausing briefly to hit their mark, and then quickly rushing to the next. “Lost Souls” manages to find a delightful balance between plot, character, and quiet moments. There were pauses for breath, shots that lingered on emotional reactions, and moments where we could see characters struggling with what to say. Because of this, scenes felt expansive, luxurious, and unhurried. Several times throughout the episode, we found ourselves looking at the runtime in disbelief – it genuinely felt two hours long.

Luke Garroway explaining his theory to Jace Herondale. (Freeform/John Medland)
Isolation and how we deal with loss
Given the events of the mid-season finale – with the “death” of Clary Fairchild, and the loss of Magnus Bane’s magic – it’s not a spoiler to say that we get glimpses into how nearly all of the characters cope with losing something they hold dear. We also see an overarching theme of isolation and connection. The plot explores how some of us need our space, while others secretly crave companionship and connection when struggling. But the biggest takeaway this episode is this: you are not a burden just because you need help.
Each character gets a clear moment to shine, and we get to peel back a little more of their inner workings. There are a few lovely and deeply important moments with Isabelle Lightwood, Alec Lightwood, and Jace Herondale that are some of our favorites on Shadowhunters so far. And we hope Malec fans don’t mind us warning you that Alec “The Poet” strikes again.

Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane share a moment. (Freeform/John Medland)
Luke Baines, kicking ass and taking names
Talk about a strong first outing. If there were any lingering doubts about the ability of new-comer Luke Baines to properly capture the complexities of Jonathan Morgenstern, we are here to assure you he is absolutely phenomenal. His face also has this interesting ability to be both vulnerable and deeply unsettling – you keep expecting him to strike while your guard is down. It made for an interesting, if tense, viewing experience. Baines and Katherine McNamara also have a palpable chemistry that makes you unable to look away whenever they are on-screen together; you can feel the deep, complicated emotions they have towards one another – love, disgust, fear, longing, loss, regret.
Overall thoughts
“Lost Souls” is the most sure-footed the show has felt to date, and it makes the tragedy of its untimely cancellation feel even more unjust. This episode feels as if all the pieces that had been shifting and struggling to take root the past two and a half seasons have finally settled. This episode has a message, a clear intention, and nearly flawless execution. Well done, Shadowhunters. Oh, and please #SaveShadowhunters, someone; this show is finally hitting its stride.
Shadowhunters airs on Freeform on Monday, February 25th at 8pm EST and will be available the following day to stream on Hulu and Netflix International. See our article On Ratings and Social Engagement to learn how to make your view count.