Meet Asta Sillanmikko! Also known ‘SAspihesi,’ she is a 29-year-old artist from Finland. She spoke to us about the importance of eyes in her work and what it is like being a part of the ShadowFam.
Describe yourself in three words.
Empathetic, perfectionist, accepting.
How long have you been creating art? What is your favorite medium?
I’ve been drawing since I was a child, but back then it was always just cartoons and scribbles. Ever since 2013, I have been practicing/learning and doing A4 portraits. In my portraits I use graphite pencils, the brands I like to use are usually Staedtler, Stabilo, Derwent, and Faber Castell.

Clace Kiss by SAspihesi
What fandoms have you been in and made art for?
I’ve done drawings for many different fandoms; for example, I’ve drawn Tom Ellis (Lucifer) and Elliot Fletcher (The Fosters, Shameless) – but I wouldn’t say that I have been a part of their fandoms. It’s the same with bands/artists: maybe I’ve just happened to listen to a lot of music by Queen and wanted to draw Freddie Mercury or maybe I’ve been listening to the new album by Avril Lavigne and wanted to draw her, but I wouldn’t consider myself being within the fandom even though I am a fan.
The only fandoms I’ve ever felt a part of are for a German band called the Baseballs and for Shadowhunters.

Matthew Daddario by SAspihesi
Tell us about your process. How much planning is involved with each piece, and how long does it usually take you to do a typical drawing?
I don’t actually have much of a process or at least I don’t have to plan much. Basically, if I find a photo I want to try and draw, I edit it as black and white, crop it to what I like, and print it. After that, I add a grid and start working on it. I always start my drawings from the eyes, no matter how they are portrayed in the photo – the eyes are the mirror to the soul; if they don’t look right, I don’t even see a point to continue.
Usually, when someone asks how long it takes, I just say that it depends on the photo you’re talking about: if there’s one person or two; what their hair is like; if there is a detailed background; or whatever details the people have on them. It’s always hard to say. So when you said “a typical drawing,” to me, there is no such thing since no matter how simple the picture is, I dive in and focus on making the details right. It also depends on how much I draw during one day. I never do a drawing in one sitting. If I’d have to guess, the minimum time would probably be around 30 hours.
What do you find the most challenging to draw?
I wouldn’t say that it’s something certain like that, some specific scene or action; to me, the hardest thing is a blurry photo. Like I mentioned in the “Describe yourself in three words,” I’m a perfectionist. I always want to add those smallest of details to make my drawings that much more real and when all you see is blur, I feel like I fail in that. I always strive to learn from my past mistakes and being able to see the smallest of details is a big win in my books.
Oh, who am I kidding? Hair and teeth are always something that I dislike, no matter who it is, lol.
What is your favorite episode of Shadowhunters and why?
(Is anyone actually able to reply to this???)
There are so many that I could put down, but I think I need to go back to the same episode I’ve mentioned many times: 1×12; and only because of the moment where Alec chooses to step down from the altar and walk up to Magnus. The lesson you learn in that one small moment is huge and you can use that in so many different situations.
He chooses himself, he chooses to live the life he wanted for himself, and he fights for it.
“Even if I did feel something for you, you want me to give up my life for you? I have to do what’s right for me. I could lose my family, my career, everything!”
And still, he goes for it. He’s bold.
Oh, and that smooch. That. Freaking. Smooch.
That scene is what also brought Shadowhunters into my life, and that is just a cherry on the cake of why this episode is my answer.

Magnus Bane by SAspihesi
Who is your favorite character to draw and why?
I have to say Magnus. I know I have done a bunch of Malec drawings, but somehow Magnus just works with me instead of being a huge struggle. I can’t believe I’m actually saying this considering I just said I dislike hair, but Magnus’ mohawk is something my hairdresser eyes just adore.
What do you love about Shadowhunters, and what inspired you to start drawing fanart for it?
I love the fact that no matter if there’s magic; royalties from hell; fighting demons and werewolves/warlocks/vampires/Shadowhunters; the subjects on it are human. No matter who you are and what you’ve gone through, there’s for sure something about the characters that you recognize as something that’s in you.
No matter if it’s craving your parents’ approval and love, addictions, insecurity, and not feeling worthy of love, you’re a part of Shadowhunters.
Obviously my first drawing ever from Shadowhunters was Matt; who’s shocked? No one? There was this moment after I drew my first one of Matt when I felt like no matter what I did, the ones I did about the cast of the show just didn’t look right and I had to force myself to just step out of the world of Shadowhunters. I know myself and I know that if I would have kept on going and kept on disliking them, eventually I wouldn’t have been able to draw them again. Then I did the one of Magnus and the magic coming from his hand, and because I’m a detail-lover, the magic was heaven and hell for me all at the same time. But it just clicked. The thing that always kept me going and gave me inspiration to keep drawing Shadowhunters, is the fandom. Nothing else. I want to do more, I want to try more, and I want to keep looking for something the fandom would like.

Malec Kiss by SAspihesi
What has been your favorite work of fanart you have created? What do you love about it?
If I pick something for Shadowhunters, it’ll 100% be the very first “Malec kiss” I did – it is the only drawing ever to cause me chills when I scanned it on my computer. The ONLY ONE. There are also others I’m satisfied with like for example, “Clace’s first kiss,” but this… Sometimes I can’t even believe it’s made by me. I feel like everything just came together on that one.
What has been the best part of your fandom experience so far?
There are, of course, always bad people and drama queens in every fandom (and aspect of your life), and people who thrive in that chaos. But, luckily, I haven’t had to be a part of that in the ShadowFam, there is nothing I hate more than drama. The best part has probably been to see the unity in this fandom – even though there’s been drama and hate-talk, etc. – but still, when it comes to SHADOWHUNTERS, we pull together. When it comes to the show, we are one.
This past week I tweeted a very personal message and basically revealed to everyone my biggest weaknesses and what did I get? Love, nothing but love.
There was not one person who was like, “You’re only trying to get pity/attention,” or anything else like that. The other fandom I have been a part of was nothing but that. As soon as you gave away something like that about yourself, you were just trying to get some special attention.
That fandom also calls themselves a family, but it’s not even close.
The #ShadowFam is.
Find Asta on social media:
Twitter: @SAspihesi
Facebook: SAspihesi
Instagram: @aspihesi
Tumblr: aspihesi