Meet Noémie! Also known as ‘Noemiette,’ she is a 24-year-old artist from France. She took some time to speak with us about her love of Magnus Bane and more.
Describe yourself in three words.
Kind, emotional, and lazy.
How long have you been creating art? What is your favorite medium?
Like everyone, I guess, when I was a kid. I just never put down my pencils. But I started getting a little more serious about drawing in 2009 when I started drawing on my computer, which led me to studying art and then becoming a 3D animator. My favorite medium is digital with a graphic tablet and Photoshop.
What fandoms have you been in and made art for?
I drew for quite a few fandoms because I watch a lot of TV shows/cartoons/movies, but my main ones were Hunger Games, Avatar: The Last Airbender & Legend of Korra, Steven Universe, and, of course, Shadowhunters.

Showing the process from thumbnail to final art. (Noemiette)
Tell us about your process. How much planning is involved with each piece, and how long does it usually take you to do a typical drawing?
I’m not someone who’s very confident with her skills so I use a lot of references and make at least three sketches before starting a big drawing. It’s very difficult to determine how long it takes me to finish a drawing. I can take a few hours or a few weeks. It depends if the drawing is complicated or not and if I’m focused or if I procrastinate every 10 minutes, which happens a lot. And unfortunately sometimes I never finish some drawings.
What do you find the most challenging to draw?
Drawing is challenging in general, but drawing backgrounds is my biggest weakness. I also still struggle with feet and hands. That’s why I try to subtly hide them in my drawings… I shouldn’t do that if I want to progress though.
What is your favorite episode of Shadowhunters and why?
Like a lot of people, my favorite episode is 2×18 “Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen.” It was truly amazing. The storyline of the episode was interesting from start to finish. We got to witness some greatly acted scenes, impressive fight scenes, captivating flow of the different events, and the Malec flashbacks and the cinematography was beautiful.

If you follow Noemiette on Twitter, you know she has taken on the task of drawing every one of Magnus Bane’s outfits.
Who is your favorite character to draw and why?
The High Warlock of Alicante, Magnus Bane. I love drawing him because he is one of my favorite characters EVER. He’s also the character that gives me the most ideas and his different looks are really fun to draw. Plus, Harry’s face is pretty nice to draw. I also really like drawing Maia, but I don’t draw her often enough.
What do you love about Shadowhunters, and what inspired you to start drawing fanart for it?
I think it would take me a while to list everything that I love about Shadowhunters. So to be quick, I love the universe, the story, the characters & relationships, and the representation. I always get inspired by the show I’m currently obsessing about. So when Season 2 started, I did my first fanart of the characters that I liked. I’m not sure something in particular inspired me.

Poster by Noemiette, for, a Shadowhunters convention in Brussels.
What has been your favorite work of fanart you have created? What do you love about it?
I think it’s the fanart I made for the Shadowhunters convention in Brussels. On top of being an idea I had for months, working on it for weeks, and being really proud of the result, it was the first time I printed one of my drawings in such a big format and high quality. And I got to see the live reactions of the cast when I showed them the art, which was rewarding on so many levels.

Portraits of Helen and Aline, a.k.a. Heline by Noemiette.
What has been the best part of your fandom experience so far?
My favorite part of the fandom has been its creativity and how much everyone (members of the fandom and cast & crew) support the content creators. The fandom actually helped me out of a two-year-long art block. People create nonstop and it’s a great source of inspiration and motivation.
I would like to add that my fandom experience would not have been as amazing as it is without all the incredible friends I’ve made in the fandom.
Find Noemiette on social media!
Twitter: @NoewatchesTV
Tumblr: noemiettedraw
Instagram: @noemiettedraw