Meet Andrea! Also known as ‘mistysblueboxstuff,’ she is a Croatian artist with a beautiful collection of works. She took some time to speak with us about her art, both in current fandoms like Good Omens and Hadestown and old loves like Doctor Who and Sherlock.
Describe yourself in three words.
Curious. Emotional. Creative.
How long have you been creating art? What is your favorite medium?
I have been creating art for the last three and a half years. I dabbled with colored pencils, charcoal, and acrylics, but digital painting is my favorite because of the complete freedom it gives you.

Rose Tyler, from Doctor Who (Andrea C. White).
What fandoms have you been in and made art for?
Back when I first started doing art, I did a lot of Doctor Who and BBC Sherlock fanart. For the past year and a half, I have been in the Les Misérables fandom and I have discovered Hadestown (the musical) recently, so I’ve done some fanart for that, too. I paint other random fanart occasionally as well. Good Omens has been my most recent fandom.

Amy Pond, from Doctor Who (Andrea C. White).
Tell us about your process. How much planning is involved with each piece, and how long does it usually take you to do a typical drawing?
I don’t really plan all that much. Usually, I can see the finished painting in my mind, so I just dive in headfirst and try to capture it on my digital canvas. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes I experiment and the painting surprises me, ending up being completely different from what I initially envisioned, but that’s okay, too. Portraits take me anywhere from 15 to 30 hours, while studies and illustrations typically take up to five. This Good Omens Aziraphale painting took around 25 hours.

Work in progress portrait of Aziraphale, from Good Omens (Andrea C. White).

Finished portrait of Aziraphale, from Good Omens (Andrea C. White).
What do you find the most challenging to draw?
Probably hands and feet, but it gets easier with practice.
How did you first hear about Good Omens, and why did you decide to watch it?
I heard about Good Omens years ago and the book has been on my to-read list for ages; I just never really got around to it until now. I decided to watch the show because the characters seemed so compelling and it seemed to contain just the right amount of whimsy. So I decided to give it a go and fell in love with it immediately.
What is your favorite scene from Good Omens and why?
Oh, gosh, there are so many! That show is perfection. I loved the opening scene when Aziraphale shelters Crowley with his wing as the storm approaches; I thought that was really beautifully done. My favorite, though, is the montage of Aziraphale and Crowley throughout the ages at the beginning of Episode 3 (which is not a single scene, I realize, but it is impossible to pick just one).
What do you love about Good Omens, and what inspired you to start drawing fanart for it?
What I love the most about Good Omens are its characters, especially Aziraphale and Crowley and their fascinating relationship that’s basically the heart of the show. It’s a beautifully filmed series, too, with stunning shots and lighting that just begs to be painted. I always get inspired to draw fanart for things that are filled with emotion and Good Omens most definitely is. Also, both Michael Sheen and David Tennant have such expressive faces and that makes them the perfect subjects for any portrait artist.
What has been your favorite work of Good Omens fanart you have created? What do you love about it?
I think my favorite so far is this painting of the church scene from Episode 3. The lighting was a challenge, so I’m quite happy it turned out so much better than I thought it would.

Andrea’s interpretation of the much loved church scene from Good Omens (Andrea C. White).
Do you have any upcoming creative projects you are working on? Or that you would like to do (planned artwork, scenes/shows/characters you would like to draw, ideas, things you would like to tackle in the future, etc.)?
I always have a bunch of ideas and WIPs; I have a few Les Mis pieces to finish and a number of Good Omens artworks planned (people seem to be enjoying my studies, so I hope to do a lot more of those). I usually come up with new projects as I go; I rarely plan months in advance.
What has been the best part of your fandom experience so far (in the Good Omens fandom in particular, but can be any fandom)?
I think the best part of being in any fandom as an artist is being able to create something that other fans will connect with on an emotional level, something that will resonate with them. It’s always thrilling when someone lets me know my art has moved them in some way. I haven’t been in the Good Omens fandom for that long, but my experience has been nothing but positive. The fans of this show are so talented and incredibly supportive and kind. It’s such a big fandom, too, so I’ve been given the opportunity to meet many wonderful new people through my art and that’s certainly something to be grateful for.
List your social medias and websites so fans can find you.
Twitter: @Andrea_C_White
Tumblr: mistysblueboxstuff
Instagram: @andy.c.white