Meet Cally! Also known as ‘Shadowcally’; she describes herself as #NotATweenGoth, is from Australia, and will be a featured artist at the Heroes of the Shadow World Convention (otherwise known as the NY ShadowCon) in April 2020. Cally chatted with us about how Shadowhunters and the ShadowFam, in particular, has inspired her to create art.

Katherine McNamara by Cally
Describe yourself in three words.
Passionate, determined, creative.
How long have you been creating art? What is your favorite medium?
I’ve been drawing for (a grand total of) nine months! I feel so ridiculous saying that; I don’t really know when you’re allowed to start calling yourself an ‘artist’… Google failed me.
Discovering I can draw like this has been the most wonderful surprise ever! I’ve always been crafty, especially with papercrafts and enjoyed coloring, but I didn’t try realistic portrait drawing until earlier this year. I purchased some graphite pencils and a notebook and don’t think I’ve put them down since. I’m still exploring graphite pencils, although I’ve also played in watercolor inks which I also really enjoy!
I was inspired to try photo-realistic drawing from the Shadowhunters fan artists I admired and it seems I have a natural knack for it. Perhaps it’s because I have a form of dyslexia and my brain is wired this way to ‘see’ the images, I don’t know, but I love it! It’s a gift I’m never giving back.

‘Magic Magnus’ by Cally
What fandoms have you been in and made art for?
Shadowhunters is the very first fandom I’ve ever been in and I think, like a lot of people, I fell into it after the cancelation and trying to save the show. I didn’t even know about the ShadowFam until I followed the #SaveShadowhunters movement. While we still haven’t achieved our #SaveShadowhunters goal, along the way, a whole world has opened up to me and I adore it. I love the fanfiction writers, the video editors, gif makers, and fan artists. Being a part of something where everyone is talking the same language, loving the same things, and being so incredibly supportive of each other has been so eye-opening. I just wish I’d known about the ShadowFam earlier as I’d been watching since the very first episode aired all by myself. Sharing what you love with people who love it as much as you, that’s the true gift of fandom.
Tell us about your process. How much planning is involved with each piece, and how long does it usually take you to do a typical drawing?
I work from a photo reference and I’ve discovered I need a very high-quality photo in order to get the best results. I can spend a lot of time trying to find a good photo that also has that special something about it. I want to see each freckle and wrinkle. I start by drawing a light grid reference on my paper and then use my iPad to refer to as I can zoom in to get all the tiny details. Putting the initial outlines in place is very time-consuming. Getting that placement perfect is the most important thing and I can spend a ridiculous amount of time on this before I move on to color.
I usually take about a week to finish a piece. I work at A4 size so there is a lot of graphite to lay down, but this size is the best for getting the details I need.
I use Faber-Castell graphite pencils. I’m addicted to my Derwent Super Point Manual Helical Pencil Sharpener (best $16 I’ve ever spent) and I draw on Bristol 250gm paper. I’d also happily marry my new Canon LiDE 400 Scanner, but my husband won’t allow it.
What do you find the most challenging to draw?
I want to draw more scenes directly from the show, but drawing from screenshots is super frustrating as the quality of the photos just isn’t there for the detail I want. Thank goodness for Getty Images as they have a number of good photos from Shadowhunters there, but I sure wish they were more with better lighting.
Hair is fun but SO time-consuming. I’m currently drawing Jade Hassoune’s blonde hair which is really pushing me out of my comfort zone and I love that. I’m always up for a challenge and to learn more techniques.
What is your favorite episode of Shadowhunters and why?
This feels like choosing which of my children I love the most – I just can’t! I love them all. I’m a total sucker for this show. Highlights would be 2×18 ‘Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen’ and the 3×20 ‘City of Glass’ engagement scene as I adore Malec. I’ve only been able to bring myself to watch the finale twice, but the Clace dance at the wedding in 3×22 ‘All Good Things’ is so heartbreakingly beautiful – Dominic Sherwood knocked it out of the park with his acting there and I look forward to drawing this scene in the future.

Who is your favorite character to draw and why?
I’ve drawn Magnus/Harry and Alec/Matt the most, and they both have beautiful and really interesting faces. I think they’re a challenge as well because we’re all so familiar with them. I put a lot of pressure on myself to get them really spot on. My preference is to draw male faces; I love that there isn’t so much makeup covering all the wonderful laugh lines or freckles. It’s those things that make faces interesting and unique.
What do you love about Shadowhunters, and what inspired you to start drawing fanart for it?
Shadowhunters is an escape for me from my happy normal life as a mum and partner doing day-to-day stuff. It’s so wonderful to dip into this amazing world of fantasy from the safety of my own living room. I loved the books initially and when the show started I was there from day one falling in love with it in a new and different way. The show has a really sexy, dark feel about it. Visually it’s a treat for the eyes and teamed up with the music and our cast, it’s a world of inspiration! The love between Malec, Clace, and Sizzy, of course, fires up the romantic artist in me, too.
The inspiration for drawing fanart, however, came from discovering fandom and more particularly the ShadowFam. A few of my Shadowhunters Twitter friends started to share some fanart they had created in our group chat and I became inspired to try something as well. I felt brave and decided to share it outside of the group chat, and I was overwhelmed by the positive response. It was pretty wonderful to feel like I was giving something back into the fandom, as I’d been so engrossed by all the fanfic, gifs, and edits for so long.
I’m in awe of how courageous people are in the ShadowFam. I see people trying writing for the first time with fanfiction or dabbling in video editing, expressing themselves in new ways in this really safe, receptive community. The creativity is exciting.

‘Aku Cinta Kamu’ by Cally. In progress and final artwork.
What has been your favorite work of fanart you have created? What do you love about it?
My favorite is my first Malec drawing, ‘Aku Cinta Kamu.’ It was the first time I tried to draw people close up and I just adore these two and their love.
I have three sons aged between nine and 15 and this piece gave us the opportunity to have an interesting open dialogue here at home where we talked about sexuality and love. Malec drawings are the total norm in our house now and it makes me really proud that my kids are growing up knowing ‘love is love.‘ It’s been one of my proudest parenting moments to date.

Isaiah Mustafa by Cally
What has been the best part of your fandom experience so far?
When Shadowhunters was canceled, I was lost and heartbroken. I don’t know why it hit me so hard, but then finding like-minded people who felt the same loss and wanted to fight hard against the injustice of having it taken away gave me purpose. Then after a while, the connections and friendships I made helped heal some of that pain.
I’ve learnt so much from this fandom. At every turn, we rose up against the odds and injustices. Be it by donating to charities, #SaveShadowhunters stunts, or sending millions of emails to networks. The ShadowFam community gives me hope that there are so many good, kind, intelligent, and creative people all over the world that can come together over something so pure as the love for their fandom.
Find Cally on social media:
Twitter: @ShadowCally
Instagram: @CallyDrawing