Known for his roles in the Netflix hit Slasher, CW’s Reign, and Amazon Studio’s Man in the High Castle ; actor Steve Byers has most recently appeared in Freeform’s Shadowhunters, as Alec Lightwood’s biggest fan and fellow Nephilim Underhill. But when he’s not playing a demon-slayer on TV, he’s apparently also slaying demons via 20-sided-die. We talked to Steve about his return to playing Dungeons & Dragons after several years away from it, his goals when building a character, and sassing your way out of a tight situation.
Tell me a little about your experience with Dungeons & Dragons and how long you have been playing the game.
I played a lot of D&D as a kid. It was such a great game to escape with and, as long as you didn’t invite that one guy who had every intention of murdering someone in your party, it was always a blast. I really only recently got back into it, doing some online streams with [my friends] Stone, Jack P., Eric, and Lannan, so I had to re-learn and adapt to some of the new tools and rules, but I’m stoked to be playing again.

“The earliest known photo of me explaining D&D to my friend Robbie.” (Steve Byers)
What inspired you to pick up the dice again?
I decided to get back into the adventure because of an invite from my friend Stone who works over at Ubisoft. I had never thought about the possibility of playing over the web. The fellas all have Twitch channels that they stream the games on, but I just get in there to roll the die and play with my mates. It’s been a good re-introduction.
Is there a secret underground network of actors who play D&D ? Please say ‘yes’…
If I told you, I’d have to kill you (after you roll a Strength check 😉 ).
What edition do you play? Do you have any strong campaign preferences?
We are currently in Waterdeep in the campaign we are playing. [My friend] Eric is our fantastic Dungeon Master*. I’ve always been intimidated by the DM job and feel like I’m not cut out for it.
*[Editor’s note: the Dungeon Master is the one who “drives” the game and creates the details and challenges of a given adventure].
Do you remember the first character you ever played? And how did they die?
Eeesh! I don’t remember the first character I ever played. I know in the early days there were a lot of deaths because of childish impulses for revenge or the like, so I never got too close or precious about the early characters. I do know that I usually created Thieves of all races. Unfortunately, the Dexterity often didn’t roll in my favor and left them dead in some trap or another.
When building a character, do you have any particular strategy in mind?
Fun. I’m not worried about too much other than making sure my guy will be interesting. I do like them to be quick on their feet in case one of my sassy comments gets me into hot water, but other than that, it’s about fun.
What is your favorite alignment and character class to play? Is there an alignment/class you hate playing? Personally, I find it nearly impossible to successfully play Lawful Good.
[Laughs] Lawful Good is hard, but it’s a challenge, so it’s interesting. I steer towards Elves and try to give them a broad stroke of mystery and skill that will get them out of trouble in the event of unwanted attention.
How into character do you like to get? I’ve been part of games where it’s played pretty straight-faced, and others that border on LARPing*.
I’m not going to lie… my games usually involve a few drinks on my end, so it tends to stay pretty light for me. I’m in awe of the people who go to the LARP-ish end. Good on ’em, but I feel like it would be a lot of work…
*[Editor’s Note: LARP stands for Live Action Role Play].
What is the longest gaming session you’ve had?
These days, the longest we’ve done is a little over three hours. But when I was a kid, it was all day. [We would] stop for pee breaks and food – that’s it.
I feel like every player has an “I can’t believe we pulled this off” story during a game. I once nailed a Luck and Dexterity roll and managed to grab my bag while being tossed out a window. Any notable player moments you want to brag about?
I recently sassed my way into an altercation with my own party member and completely lucked out when he ended up stabbing his own foot, pinning himself to the ground. I made my escape with little more than a scratch.
Have you ever been a DM, and does the idea of world-building appeal to you?
As I mentioned, I’m not cut out to be a DM. I much rather be a player, but I would take the reins if it meant [the difference between] playing or not playing.

Underhill on Shadowhunters (Freeform)
You play Underhill on the TV show Shadowhunters, a character that fans have sort of quickly adopted and latched on to. What has that experience been like, engaging with that passionate fanbase?
It’s been a very inclusive and loving fandom so I was very grateful for their kind words and acceptance. I know it’s hard for people to accept a new member to a group and I think that’s why D&D is so great as well. Allowing people to join a family that already exists is a great exercise in patience and tolerance. We are all unique and bring something new to every adventure we join.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my D&D questions, and happy gaming!
Thank you! May your sword be sharp and your feet be fast.