The Star Trek: Short Treks series of stand-alone episodes continues to produce amazing stories. This installment follows the life of Commander Saru before joining Starfleet. I was looking forward to learning more about the Kelpiens and their homeworld because this species is a relatively new one for the Star Trek universe, and was first introduced in Star Trek: Discovery. I’ve watched many stories about Klingons, Vulcans, and Borgs – and don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved them all – but getting to sink our teeth into a new species is fascinating. I was also interested to learn that Doug Jones, who plays Commander Saru, was reportedly able to have some input on the Kelpiens development.

Doug Jones as Saru on his home planet of Kaminar. (CBS All Access)
Synopsis: Saru’s yearning to find out what lies beyond his village leads him on an unexpected path.
There is a quote I remembered Saru saying about his people in the Star Trek: Discovery pilot, “We were biologically determined for one purpose and one purpose alone – to sense the coming of death,” and that came back to me while watching this short. The Kelpiens believe in the “Great Balance,” and that by sacrificing themselves in the Harvest to the Ba’ul, they help keep the balance. They do not question the sacrifice; in fact, there is shot during the Harvest where one Kelpien simply puts their head back, resigned to their coming death.
Saru was different. He started to question everything, asking why things were the way they were, even at the opposition of his father. I enjoyed watching Saru examine “forbidden” technology, and seeing him grow into the character we know and love. His journey through this short added more depth to an already great character.
Each installment of Short Treks reminds me of what draws me to Star Trek, which is the stories they tell, and how closely they parallel the world we live in. We need more people like Commander Saru, willing to challenge their entire worldview. Through questioning and discovery, we learn and grow as individuals and a group as a whole.
Favorite quotes:
Saru’s father: “If the Great Balance meant for us to fly, we would have been given wings.”
Saru: “But does the Watchful Eye have wings? We sacrifice our kind to the Ba’ul instead of asking if we could be like them.”
Saru: “Why did ‘Balance’ mean that we could not ask questions?”
Saru: “How could this life be enough for them?”
The next Star Trek: Short Treks sees the return of Harry Mudd, with “The Escape Artist.”
Until then, live long and prosper.
Short Treks’ next installment, “The Escape Artist,” airs January 3, 2019 on CBS All Access. Star Trek: Discovery returns for Season 2 January 17, 2019.