The second episode in the Star Trek: Short Treks series of stand-alone episodes aired November 8th, and the writers didn’t disappoint. “Calypso” follows the interactions between a human named Craft and the USS Discovery’s computer, who named herself Zora. The amount of emotion packed into this 20-minute short took me by surprise. There was complexity to this story that had me smiling and crying. By the end of the short, I experienced such a variety of emotions that I can say it will take a lot to top this story for me. Any fans of Greek mythology out there? I don’t think Michael Chabon and Sean Cochran titled the short Calypso haphazardly. The short draws parallels to the story of Calypso and Odysseus from Homer’s The Odyssey.

Craft explores the abandoned Discovery (CBS All Access)
Synopsis: After waking up in an unfamiliar sickbay, Craft finds himself onboard a deserted ship and his only companion and hope for survival is an A.I. computer interface.
First, we find out that the connection to our beloved Discovery crew is the ship. Zora is the evolution of the ship’s A.I. over the long time the ship drifted alone in space. She tells Craft, reluctantly, that the ship has been abandoned by the crew for around a thousand years. We get to see the ship we love dark and deserted and that, alone, was emotional. The dynamic between Craft and Zora really put me over the edge. The chemistry they built with only one character actually being physically present was remarkable.
I mentioned in my review of “Runaway” that one of my favorite things about Star Trek is the ability for their characters and stories to be relatable despite the extraterrestrial setting. Another thing I love about this show is its ability to take something subtle and pack a punch. For example, when Craft asked Zora if anyone has ever done something nice for her, Zora’s response was that “it never really came up.” You never think of doing nice things for artificial intelligence, but Craft treated her like she, herself, would like to be treated. The lack of a corporeal body didn’t make her any less real to Craft.
Favorite quotes:
Craft: “I’d like some company, so wherever you’re hiding yourself, come on out. Join me.”
Zora: “[Laughs] Oh, dear, you thought I was alive?”
Zora: “I can’t, my orders are…”
Craft: “Your orders. Your orders were given by a captain who’s been dead for a thousand years.”
Craft: “You’re a good woman. Always doing nice things for me. Anybody ever do something nice for you?”
I am excited to see the next installment, “The Brightest Star,” which follows the life of Commander Saru before joining Starfleet.
Until then, live long and prosper.
Short Treks’ next installment, “The Brightest Star,” airs December 6th on CBS All Access. Star Trek: Discovery returns for Season 2 January 17, 2019.