Shadowhunters hit the ground running in Season 2B, and has continued to deliver drama, heartbreak, and higher stakes week after week. While we eagerly await July 10th’s episode, “A Problem of Memory” (Shadowhunters is on a mini-hiatus), we’ve decided to look back on some of our favorite moments from Season 2A.
1. Seeing the redesigned seraph blades for the first time. (2×01)
The show traded its plastic, elvish lightsabers for good old-fashioned steel. So viking.
2. Magnus makes Alec blush. (2×01)
It was real. It was pure. And we swooned our Malec-loving hearts out.
3. Magnus takes Simon under his wing. (2×02)
And Simon probably doesn’t even understand the privilege.
4. Clary and Jace make a dramatic escape from Valentine’s ship. (2×02)
Clace have had far more dramatic things happen to them. But this looked suuuuper cool.
5. Meeting Maia. Although she does try and kill Jace shortly after this… (2×03)
Maia trying to kill Jace is meant to deter us. But it only endears us.
6. Parabacries. (2×03)
Dry eyes are overrated anyways.
7. Seeing the Lightwood siblings comfort each other in this cuddle pile. (2×04)
Why is this not a regular thing? Seriously?
8. Alec makes a new friend. It’s adorable. (2×05)
Let the fanfiction commence!
9. We get our first glimpse of Clary’s angelic rune powers. (2×05)
And just in the nick of time!
10. Seeing a Shadowhunter funeral. Hail and farewell, Jocelyn Fairchild. (2×05)
Oof. Right in the feels.
11. Magnus and Alec flirt over a game of pool. (2×06)
Again, why is this not a regular thing?
12. Flashback to how Luke met Maia. (2×06)
All great superheroes have a sad origin story.
13. This kiss. (2×06)
Go on. Watch it on repeat. We’ll wait.
14. Alec gives Magnus a gift, and he’s adorably proud of himself. (2×07)
And Magnus is painfully touched by the sentiment.
15. Izzy’s face. (2×07)
Admit it. This was your face too.
16. Clace make a kickass team in battle. (2×07)
Pure angel blood makes for snazzy fight couples.
17. For a brief, horrifying moment Magnus thinks he had spirit sex with Jace. (2×08)
Let’s be real. It probably wouldn’t even make the list of “Magnus’ Top 10 Strangest Things.”
18. Magnus reminds everyone why he’s the High Warlock of Brooklyn and saves the day. While throwing a killer party. (2×08)
Daaaaaaaaamn son!
17. Maryse breaks down after confessing that Robert is cheating on her. (2×08)
The moment we all went from #FightMaryse to #ProtectMaryse.
18. Alec takes back the Institute. (2×09)
Mister Lightwood. Blackmail suits you.
19. Simon levels up like a Pokemon and becomes a Daylighter. (2×10)
Does this make him a Pikachu or Raichu? We’re losing count here.
20. Malec says, “I Love You.” (2×10)
Was it early? Probably. Do we care? Pffft. Nooo.
What was your favorite moment of Shadowhunters 2A?
Follow us on Twitter and Tumblr and let us know!
An all-new Shadowhunters returns Monday, July 10th 8/7c on Freeform and Tuesday, July 11th internationally on Netflix.