The plague may not be over, but our hiatus certainly is! Welcome back to What’s the Obsession With…? Your hosts Brie and Adri take you on learning journeys exploring the ins and outs of people’s fixations, one obsession at a time. We do some research (we promise we do), share personal stories, and throw out some wild theories on all sorts of topics people have been obsessed with since forever.
Each episode comes with a themed Spotify playlist, our research notes and links, and the occasional drinking game! Subscribe to our Patreon for various extra goodies (like original stickers and picking our next topic).
#006 “…ghosts?”
For our first episode since quarantine swallowed us whole, we open the much awaited Spooky Season with a classic human obsession, ghosts. We ask the big questions like: do you believe in ghosts? Why are some places haunted? Why do we want to make very very sure that the dead stay dead? Join us as your hosts recount tales of childhood ghost summoning and assurances that the one industry Millennials will not be killing is the Ghost Tourism Industry.
PLAYLIST: catch me in your bedsheets (just a-rattling your chains) A Playlists for Ghosts
Listen to this episode on Spotify, iTunes, and Patreon. (Or scroll down to the bottom of this article to use the embedded player below!)