Last week’s episode of Shadowhunters brought the angst and boy, are we here for it. You can read our full review here, but here are some bite-sized bests from episode 2×12 – from romantic walks in the rain to painful childhood memories, and even more Jace family drama.
1: Stand-Out Performance:
Alan Van Sprang as Magnus Bane.
A body swap plot is always tricky for viewers who have grown familiar with the way one actor has brought a character to life – and we’ve certainly been spoiled by Harry’s magnificent portrayal of Magnus Bane – but Alan Van Sprang proved he was absolutely up for the challenge. In an inspiring performance, Alan delivered some of Magnus Bane’s most heartbreaking scenes yet. He brought us to tears, and for that, he’s this week’s Stand-Out Performance.
2: Most Heartbreaking:
That Magnus torture scene.
Undoubtedly, Magnus suffered incredible physical pain – but the real pain being inflicted was deeply emotional and psychological. Flashing between both Alan and Harry, and seeing a mini Magnus Bane screaming along with both versions of his adult self, was a brief and effective way to stab every one of us right in the feels. We’re still picking up the pieces of our broken hearts from this week’s Most Heartbreaking scene.
3: Best/Worst Pep Talk:
Sebastian’s harsh (but effective) pep talk.
Sebastian did not disappoint this week with his depressing pep talk to kick-start Clary’s angelic powers. That was quite a bit of intensity there for a newbie, Sebastian! We couldn’t help but love the way he dug into her darkest and most secret emotions (speaking from experience there, buddy?), but we guess we’ll just have to wait and see. What’s definitely true is that this is the Best/Worst Pep Talk we’ve ever seen, and steeped in the chemistry between these two excellent actors, it’s definitely one for the books.
4: Best Reveal:
Jace Wayland Lightwood Morgenstern Herondale.
We feel like we may need to talk to the Clave about the worldly benefits of paternity tests, but, hey, Jace finally has a living relative (hoorah!) and another last name to add to his growing collection. The revelation that Jace is a Herondale – practically Shadowhunter royalty – is sure to have some repercussions and consequences in the weeks to come. Seeing the Herondale ring (and with it, the hope that we’ll see other Shadowhunter family rings) was a great treat for fans of the books. We can’t wait to see what this means for Jace’s sense of identity going forward.
5: Most Iconic Scene:
Sizzy in the Rain.
Umbrellas are romantic, they have been ever since Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, and no doubt that this beautiful scene harkens back to that iconic image of cinematic romance. Of course, both Simon and Isabelle are a little tied up in their own paths at the moment, but everything about this scene – from the moonlit rain to the old-fashioned street lights – made this our Most Iconic Scene (and is giving us hope for the future of this adorable duo).
6: #EpisodeMVP:
That face.
While Magnus was having an entirely different experience in Valentine’s body, Valentine had his own hurdles to overcome, and they were entertaining (in particular, his slow realization that he was dating the Lightwoods’ oldest son was comedy gold). Harry Shum Jr. was clearly having a blast this week playing Valentine, and his perpetual WTF face while trying to navigate Magnus’ life is our Episode MVP.
Shadowhunters airs Mondays 8/7c on Freeform and Tuesdays internationally on Netflix.